Saving courses with likes

You can like courses and topics to keep track of those you find interesting and discover related content in your news feed.

You can search, sort, and filter your starred courses and topics on your profile page, and then click “Likes”.

About likes

Likes makes it easy to find a class or topic again at a later time. You can see all the courses and topics you have starred by going to your profile page then click “Likes”.

You can like courses and topics to discover more similar courses on ClassGalaxy. When you like courses or topics, ClassGalaxy may recommend related content in the discovery view of your news feed.

Liking a class also shows appreciation to the class maintainer for their work. Many of ClassGalaxy’s class rankings depend on the number of likes a class has earned. In addition, Discover shows popular courses based on the number of likes they have.

Searching likes

The search bar only does the searches based on the name of a class or topic, and not on any other qualifiers (such as the size of the class or when it was last updated).

Browsing your friends' likes

In the lower-right corner of the page, you can also browse your friends' likes. You can use this to find new courses and topics to like.